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We have 2 formats.

1. API

          - The method of processing through the API system abbreviated from Application Programming Interface, is a connection from one system to another so that the external software can access and update that data, but still within the specified scope. Or to put it simply, the API is a middleman that will receive various commands to process and automatically send them back to the person ordering or the user.

2.Database Service

          - Database Service is to provide the entire bulk of data in Excel file format which may have different formats.

          - The ThaiPEPs Plus database is updated every Monday afternoon in Full list format.

          - All AMLists databases are data that the Company has processed (in the form of downloaded and formatted data in a format that recipients can use in the organization's basic record keeping system) from original databases, such as the United Nations Sanction lists.The Company has downloaded directly from the original source (https://www.un.org/securitycouncil/content/un-sc-consolidated-list) as well as data from other foreign organizations/agencies.

          In the case of data obtained from the AMLO office, the Company has currently organized the data format of the list of designated persons (Thai), including persons with asset seizure/attachment orders, and the list of persons whose asset seizure/attachment orders have been revoked, by duplicating the data that the AMLO has published publicly on its website (which allows any person or juristic person to access) and then adjusting the data to be in a format that users can import into their organization's database. Such action does not violate the principles or provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, the Personal Data Protection Act, or any other laws.

** Note: In the case of high-risk personal data that the AMLO has considered and specifically sent to financial institutions, the Company will not be able to seek such data because it is not public information.

          In the case of Thai Politically Exposed Persons (Thai PEPs), the Company has created a database by verifying them only from sources of government agencies where such political office holders or politically exposed persons belong to. Therefore, it is a lawful source of information and does not violate personal data in whatsoever way.

          In the case of data on individuals with political status abroad (foreign PEPs), the Company has processed the data (in the form of downloading and adjusting them into a format that the recipient can use in the organization's basic data recording system) from the original database, which is a public data source from various websites belonging to international agencies and foreign agencies, on the same principle as Sanction lists data.

          Anyhow, the process of collecting and processing data into a usable format being performed by the Company, is based on the same principles as other international databases, such as the Dow Jones or World-check commercial databases. The Company merely focuses on creating a database that is essential for verification according to Thai Anti-money laundering laws for domestic entrepreneurs, which costs less than the aforementioned international commercial databases.

          - The method of granting permission to use the database does not fall into criteria or framework of any laws, yet it is the creation and use of a commercial database without using any exercising any channels from government agencies. Therefore, there is no requirement to request permission from any agency as long as it does not violate the Personal Data Protection Act.

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